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Patches worn by Apollo 11 crew in quarantine

There are excellent photos that show the Apollo 11 crew in the mobile quarantine facility after the flight with an embroidered mission patch attached to their blue flight suits.

The patches are identifiable from these photos (e.g. in KSC-69PC-429 shown to the right) as being the so-called Biological Isolation Garment (or BIG) patch design.

Apollo 11 crew on recovery ship

Things get a little puzzling, however, when you look at closely at photos of the crew wearing the famous Biological Isolation Garments.

If you look at the detail on the left of the crew stepping out of the recovery helicopter onto the deck of the U.S.S. Hornet on their way to the mobile quarantine facility there is in fact no mission patch to be seen.

Where you might expect the patch to be there is just a plain dark circle.

Apollo 11 crew in recovery dinghy

Luckily, the story of what happened to the mysterious BIG patches is recounted by Buzz Aldrin himself in "Return to Earth" - "Just before we left the helicopter we ripped the Apollo 11 insignias off the isolation garments and handed them to the helicopter's crew. It was spontaneous and a way of saying thanks".

The dark patches on the BIGs in the photo above are actually circles of velcro, to which the mission patches were attached.

In one of the photos of the crew wearing the Biological Isolation Garments in the recovery dinghy before they boarded the helicopter it's just about possible to make out the mission patch in place on the Biological Isolation Garments of one of the crew members.

The Crew Patch

Patch id:

Apollo 11 Crew Patch

Worn by crew? This patch design was worn by the crew on their Biological Isolation Garments at recovery time and on their post-flight blue jump suits. Apollo 11 crew patch
Flown? It is unclear if any examples were carried on the flight as souvenirs.
Manufacturer: Texas Art Embroidery
Distribution: Limited to NASA and the crew
Dimensions: 4" / 104mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Extremely rare. Maybe 4 to 5 sold per year.
Value: Examples have sold recently for $420 to $710[1].
Notes: The Crew Patch is a very accurate rendition of the mission insignia, making it easy to identify. One reason this patch looks so close to the original artwork is because it was executed in no less than thirteen (possibly even fourteen) distinct colors of thread. This is compared to a maximum of eight different colors used in the vast majority of embroidered patches.
A few original examples of the Crew Patch from the collection of Apollo 11 astronaut Mike Collins were available for sale at Astronaut Central but as of 2015 it appears these have now all been sold.
Note that I produced a high quality replica of the Apollo 11 Crew Patch in 2013 which is detailed below.

Other Embroidered Mission Patches

Patch id:

AB Emblem patch

Worn by crew? No. AB Emblem Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: AB Emblem
Distribution: Sold as souvenirs.
Dimensions: 4" / 103mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge with 'tail'.
Scarcity: Uncommon in bare cloth back form.
Value: Bare cloth back examples sell for maybe $10-20.
Notes: The back of the AB patch in predominantly black.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Was available commercially.
Dimensions: 4" / 102mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: Examples sell for around $30-40.
Notes: The Lion Brothers patch has a different font and details (e.g. the landmasses on the Earth) from the crew version. In addition, the background is dark blue rather than the black of the crew patch.

Note that a rare plastic backed prototype version exists. In addition a version with a black twill background in place of the usual dark blue has also been seen[15]. This may have been a prototype or simply a production error.

Patch id:

AB Emblem early 'Green Moon' patch

Worn by crew? No. AB Emblem green moon Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: LAB Emblem
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: 4" / 103mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black velvet or black twill. Merrowed edge with 'tail'.
Scarcity: Uncommon.
Value: Examples currently sell for around $20 to $40[3].
Notes: This vintage bare cloth backed patch with a distinctively greenish lunar surface is apparently the first design to have been produced by AB Emblem. It is commonly seen in small embroidered commemorative presentations produced for the Needle Painters Guild.

The version shown here has a velvety background but it also exists with a twill cloth background [AS11ABE2].

UPDATE: A couple of examples have surfaced recently which have a plastic coating on the reverse. We can only speculate as the explanation for these, but perhaps they are from a run made to the same pattern some years later.

Patch id:

Lion Brothers 'orange border' variant patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers orange border Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Was available commercially.
Dimensions: 4" / 103mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Uncommon.
Value: Examples generally sell for around $75-218[7]

This uncommon variant of the Lion Brothers patch has orange thread instead of yellow in the border and the beak and feet of the eagle. In addition, the blue detailing on the lunar surface and the eagle's tail present in the regular Lion Brothers version is replaced by mid grey thread.

What seems to be an experimental prototype of this patch is a variant which is identical to the regular LB patch (with yellow beak, eye and feet, and pale blue detailing on the lunar surface) but with an orange border, thereby adding one thread color to the design without removing another color first.

A further variation on this version adds a neatly embroidered fill background instead of the exposed twill usually present. Again this was likely just an experimental prototype.

Patch id:

Voyager Emblems patch

Worn by crew? No. Voyager Emblems Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Voyager Emblems
Distribution: Produced privately in 1969.
Dimensions: 4" / 104mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Rare (510 produced).
Value: Examples were recently offered at $28.50[4].
Notes: The Voyage Emblems patch is easily recognized by its very fine detail. It was apparently a privately ordered run of 510 patches, produced in November 1969.
Until recently examples of this patch was very hard to find, but 100 examples were listed for sale in mid 2011 at $28.50 each, of which 68 were sold in a month. A further 50 examples were then listed at $42.50, of which 5 examples sold. Presumably this was unsold stock from the original order. A later individual sale from the same person fetched $21 in open auction.
Patch id:

Dallas Cap & Emblem 'Grumman' patch [previously AS11UNK1]

Worn by crew? No. Dallas Cap & Emblem Grumman Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Dallas Cap & Emblem
Distribution: Apparently produced as a memento for Grumman employees.
Dimensions: 4" / 101mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge with 'tail'.
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: Examples have sold recently for between $15 and $99[5]
Notes: This patch is very similar to the AB Emblem Apollo 11 patch but was apparently produced by Dallas Cap & Emblem. The landmasses on the Earth are a dark olive colour and the back of the patch is predominantly white. It is sometimes referred to as the 'Grumman' Apollo 11 patch as it appears frequently in the collections of former Grumman employees.
Patch id:

Universal Commemorative patch

Worn by crew? No. Universal Commemorative Apollo 11 patch
Flown? Yes (see below)
Manufacturer: Universal Commemorative of Los Angeles, CA
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: 4" / 102mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge with 'tail'.
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: Examples have sold recently for between $16 and $78[6]
Notes: This vintage patch from Universal Commemorative has fairly crude artwork compared with some of the other versions but is noteworthy in that at least one example appears to have been flown as a memento on the Apollo 11 mission (in the Lunar Module even) by NASA, and was then used in a presentation given to Christopher Craft. This would in fact make it the only embroidered patch known to have been flown on the mission as even the Texas Art Embroidery crew patches were only used post-flight.
Note that at least two other variants of this patch seem to have been produced and are detailed below.
Patch id:

Space Spin-Off Ltd. patch (was [AS11UNK5])

Worn by crew? No. SPace Spin-Off Ltd Apolo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Space Spin-Off Ltd.
Distribution: UK mail-in offer
Dimensions: Approx. 3¾" / 95mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue cloth. Stitched border, cut edge.
Scarcity: Unknown.
Value: An example sold recently for $127 [14]
Notes: This patch was offered to readers of Look-in magazine and Countdown magazine in the UK in January 1972, and was part of a set manufactured by Space Spin-Off Ltd. The crude design appears to be based on the AB Emblem 3" patch, but executed on thin blue cloth (not twill) with a cut edge.
Patch id:

Universal Commemorative patch variant

Worn by crew? No. Universl Commemorative Apollo 11 patch variant
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Universal Commemorative of Los Angeles, CA
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: 4" / 102mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge with 'tail'.
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: Unknown.
Notes: This appears to be a variant of the regular Universal Commemorative patch, with brighter yellow thread and slightly different details in the craters.
Patch id:

Universal Commemorative patch variant

Worn by crew? No. Universal Commemorative Apollo 11 patch variant 3
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Universal Commemorative of Los Angeles, CA
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: 4" / 101mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge with 'tail'.
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: An example sold in 2018 for $104.[6]
Notes: This appears to be another variant of the regular Universal Commemorative patch, with a distinctive dark blue border and similar details in the craters to the other UC variant.
Patch id:


Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 AS11UNK6 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown.
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: Approx. 4" / 102mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue cloth.
Scarcity: Unknown.
Value: Unknown.
Notes: This design looks to be a crude copy of the old 'green moon' AB Emblem patch.
Patch id:


Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 AS11UNK9 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4" / 102mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge.
Scarcity: Scarce
Value: Unknown
Notes: This is an interesting recent discovery which at first glance looks to be the AS11UNK1 'Grumman' patch. In fact although the design is apparently the same this patch is partially embroidered on blue twill whilst the AS11UNK1 is fully-embroidered. I believe that the distinctive black anchor threads at the bottom of the reverse of the patch prove that it was made by the same manufacturer.
It is possible that this was a pre-production sample and that for the full production run the fully-embroidered option [AS11UNK1] was chosen.
This patch was first identified alongside examples of AS9UNK2, AS10UNK2 and AS12UNK8, implying they also share a common manufacturer.
Patch id:


Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 AS11UNK10 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4⅛" / 105mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge without tail (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce
Value: Unknown[10]
Notes: Although the design is similar to the AB Emblem patch this patch has a distinctive color scheme with very dull metallic gold thread used for the outer border and "APOLLO 11" text. It also has a very wide inner blue border and a white backing reminiscent of the 'Grumman' patch.
Given how close the artwork is to the AB Emblem patch (particularly the eagle and the crater details) it seems likely that the patch design was copied from the AB Emblem patch rather than being based on the mission insignia artwork.
It's actually possible this patch is a later production rather than one from the Apollo era as the back appears to have a thing coating of some kind but it's still worth noting here as it is not typically modern in appearance.
Patch id:


Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 AS11UNK11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4" / 104mm
Type: Partially embroidered on dark blue velvet. Merrowed edge without tail (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce
Value: Unknown
Notes: This apparently vintage patch is easily recognised by the exposed velvet backing cloth and the use of silver thread on the lunar surface and at the base of the eagle's tail.
Patch id:


Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 AS11UNK12 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4⅛" / 104mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge.
Scarcity: Scarce
Value: The only example I've seen sold to date fetched $510[11]
Notes: Only identified in 2015, this vintage patch looks similar to both the AB Emblem version and the Dallas Cap & Emblem ('Grumman') version. However, the distinctive brown fill thread on the Earth immediately identifies this as a different design.

Other notable features that differentiate this patch from the AB Emblem and 'Grumman' versions include black zigzag stitching on the face of the eagle, prominent serifs on the "11" of Apollo 11, and extensive black detailing in the tail feathers and legs.

Patch id:

Crew Patches replica

Worn by crew? No. Crew Patches Apollo 11 replica crew patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: AB Emblem
Distribution: Available exclusively from my Crew Patches store.
Dimensions: Approx. 4" / 99mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge with tail.
Scarcity: Limited run of ~400 examples.
Value: Sold at $15
Notes: This high quality replica of the rare Apollo 11 crew patch was produced exclusively for me by AB Emblem in mid 2013 with a further run in early 2018. The patches have a plastic backing in order to avoid them being mistaken for vintage originals but are otherwise designed to look as close as possible to the original patches, even using 13 distinct colors of thread as opposed to the usual maximum of 8.

Embroidered Apollo 11 Lion Brothers Specialty patches

Apart from the standard 4" mission patch (and its variants) produced by Lion Brothers, the company also produced a number of smaller versions of their design, both in 3½" and 3" sizes. These are generally known as the Lion Brothers Apollo 11 specialty patches.

They are anchored by a 3½" patch that follows the standard mission patch design, but all the other versions have additional text and symbols, as illustrated in the group photo on the right.

This black and white photo of unknown origin on the Retro Space Images Apollo 11 disc shows two 3½" variants at top center (Masonic symbol) and lower center ("1st Lunar Landing") that have proved to be very elusive, along with various more common 3" specialty patches.

According to a card on which an example of the Bird Watcher patch was mounted, the Bird Watcher patches were sold by Vega Space Commemoratives (a Florida company created in July 1969 and dissolved in 1972) "only to viewers at Kennedy Space Center Area Launch Viewing Sites and are not available for sale anywhere else." We don't know whether Vega Space Commemoratives had Lion Brothers produce all the variants for them exclusively.

Patch id:

Lion Brothers 3½" patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers 3 and a half inch Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: 3½" / 90mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Rare.
Value: Examples tend to sell for $15 to $30.
Notes: This 3½" patch was produced by Lion Brothers to accompany the various mission specialty patches.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers 3½" Masonic symbol patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers 3 and a half inch Apollo 11 Masonic patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3½" / 90mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Very rare.
Value: Examples were sold in 2024 for $25 and $88 to $202.[9]
Notes: For a long time this Masonic symbol Lion Brothers 3½" patch was only known from the group photo shown above, so it was not even clear if it had gone into production or maybe just been a pre-production sample. Eventually a single example sealed in cellophane did surface, which didn't go much further towards proving that it had been produced in any numbers.

Finally, in August of 2024, over 50 of these patches were sold on eBay, all in their original cellophane wrappers, proving at least that they had been produced in significant numbers.

Patch id:

Lion Brothers 3½" First Lunar Landing patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers 3 and a half inch Apollo 11 First Lunar Landing patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3½" / 90mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Very rare.
Value: Unknown.
Notes: This 3½" 1st Lunar Landing patch from Lion Brothers remains elusive, with the only evidence of its existence being the group photograph shown above.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers 3" Bird Watcher patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers 3 inch Apollo 11 Bird Watcher patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Commercially available.
Dimensions: 3" / 78mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce to rare.
Value: Examples tend to sell for $5 to $20.
Notes: The Lion Brothers Apollo 11 3" Bird Watcher specialty patch is the most common of the smaller specialty patches.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers 3" Mission Support patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers 3 inch Mission Support patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3" / 78mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce to rare.
Value: Examples tend to sell for $15 to $30.
Notes: The Lion Brothers Apollo 11 3" Mission Support specialty patch is less common than the Bird Watcher or Launch Team variants.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers 3" Recovery Fleet patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers 3 inch Mission Support patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3" / 78mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Uncommon.
Value: Examples tend to sell for $15 to $30.
Notes: The Lion Brothers Apollo 11 3" Recovery Fleet specialty patch is less common than the Bird Watcher or Launch Team variants.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers 3" Launch Team patch

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers 3 inch Launch Team patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3" / 78mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce to rare.
Value: Examples tend to sell for $15 to $30.
Notes: The Lion Brothers Apollo 11 3" Launch Team specialty patch is slightly less common than the Bird Watcher variant. Interestingly, the specialty patch group photo above also includes a variant of the Launch Team patch with the text in markedly darker thread than the normal version. This is presumably colored, but we only have a black and white photo as a reference. I've not seen an example of this variant to-date.

Embroidered Apollo 11 Commemorative Patches

Patch id:

First Lunar Landing of Mankind [AS11FLL]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 First Lunar Landing of Mankind patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: AB Emblem
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4⅛" / 104mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed border with tail.
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: Examples have sold for $9 to $27[12]
Notes: At least 4 different vintage patches with this same basic commemorative design exist, of which this particular variant produced by AB Emblem may be the oldest, with examples being sold as mementos at the time of the Apollo 11 launch.
Given the uncertainty over the success of the mission the design excludes the mission name and month and so could have been used for Apollo 12 if that turned out to be the first successfull landing.
Although the overall design is very similar to AS11FLL1 and AS11FLL3, this version includes a couple of extra details - notably extra black lines of thread in the white round areas to the left and right of the LEM ascent stage - that are missing from the later variants.
Patch id:

First Lunar Landing of Mankind [AS11FLL1]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 First Lunar Landing of Mak=nkind AS11FLL1 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Likely AB Emblem
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4⅛" / 105mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed border with tail.
Scarcity: Uncommon.
Value: Bare cloth back examples tend to sell in the $5 to $10 range.
Notes: This version of the "First Lunar Landing of Mankind" design also lacks any mention of the month of the landing but adds red text under the year which reads "© 1969" followed by two initials that are apparently "NP" representing the Needle Painters Guild.
Patch id:

First Lunar Landing of Mankind [AS11FLL3]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 First Lunar Landing of Mankind AS11FLL3 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Likely AB Emblem
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4⅛" / 105mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed border with tail. Plastic backing.
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Unknown
Notes: Later versions of this commemorative patch with plastic backings include the full date of the landing.
Patch id:

First Lunar Landing of Mankind [AS11FLL2]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 First Lunar Landing of Mankinf AS11FLL2 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4⅛" / 105mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed border with no tail (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce
Value: Unknown
Notes: This version of the "First Lunar Landing of Mankind" design includes the month "JULY" on the left but not the full date. It is not clear when this particular patch was produced but the execution is quite different from the other versions. It uses a darker green thread for the lunar surface and the selvedged border implies it was not produced by AB Emblem.
Patch id:


Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 AS11LEM5 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: Approx 4" / 104mm
Type: Partially embroidered on white twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Unknown
Notes: This 4" patch appears to be from the same manufacturer as the "LM5" version on the right but uses the older "LEM 5" designation instead of "LM 5". The patch was produced as a commemorative souvenir and sold at the time of the launch. Later runs switched to the "LM 5" naming convention.
Patch id:


Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 AS11LM5 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: Approx 4" / 104mm
Type: Partially embroidered on white twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Unknown
Notes: Although I was originally unsure if this was actually a vintage patch it appears that it does indeed date from around the time of the mission, although it was likely produced after the "LEM 5" version shown on the left.
Patch id:

Apollo 11 On The Moon [AS11OTM]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 On The Moon patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4" / 99mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Rare
Value: An example sold in 2021 for $308[16]
Notes: I've only seen three examples to-date of this Apollo 11 commemorative patch. The artwork is somewhat crude and the color scheme unusual but it's none-the-less an interesting (and possibly vintage) bare cloth back patch.
Patch id:

Apollo XI commemorative [AS11AXI]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 commemorative patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4" / 100mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge with 'tail'.
Scarcity: Uncommon
Value: An example sold in 2022 for $35[17]
Notes: This Apollo 11 commemorative patch from an unknown manufacturer features an astronaut in what has been aptly described as a "Cat in the Hat" pose. Not a great success from an artistic point of view but it is a bare cloth back vintage commemorative patch.
Patch id:

Apollo 11 'bootprints' [AS11UNK8]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 bootprints patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3" x 4¾" / 75 x 120mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge.
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Unknown
Notes: This patch was likely produced to commemorate the Apollo 11 moon landing.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers Commemorative
[was AS11UNK7]

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers Apollo 11 commemorative patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 4" / 104mm
Type: Partially embroidered on blue twill. Merrowed edge without 'tail' (selvedged).
Scarcity: Very rare
Value: Examples have sold in recent years for between $150 and $582[13]
Notes: This rare commemorative patch has been confirmed as a Lion Brothers original design, produced at the time of the Apollo 11 mission.
Very few examples have been seen, so the production run was likely very small. A few were accompanied by presentation cards which imply they were presented by Lion Brothers as gifts.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers Commemorative Randy Hunt replica

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers Apolo 11 commemorative patch replica
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Randy Hunt
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: Approx 4" / 104mm
Type: Unknown
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Unknown
Notes: This patch, sold in the Dec 1, 2007 Aurora auction which included many Randy Hunt replicas, is likely a Randy Hunt replica of the Lion Brothers Commemorative patch shown on the left. The auction listing image is very poor but it seems possible to make out some distinct differences in the design such as the size of the hatch, the colors on the Earth, and the shape of the darker blobs of detail on the lunar surface.

3" Embroidered Mission Patches

Patch id:

AB Emblem 3" souvenir patch

Worn by crew? No. AB Emblem 3 inch Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: AB Emblem
Distribution: Sold as souvenirs
Dimensions: 3" / 75mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge with tail.
Scarcity: Common
Value: Minimal value
Notes: This is the AB Emblem small souvenir (3") version of the mission patch.
Patch id:

Dallas Cap & Emblem 3" souvenir patch

Worn by crew? No. Dallas Cap & Emblem 3 inch Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Dallas Cap & Emblem
Distribution: Sold as souvenir
Dimensions: 3" / 77mm
Type: Fully embroidered. Merrowed edge with tail.
Scarcity: Uncommon
Value: Unknown
Notes: This small souvenir patch from Dallas Cap & Emblem is similar in design to the AB version (likely copied from it) but has a fully-embroidered background.
Patch id:

Flint Model Supply colored 3" souvenir patch

Worn by crew? No. Flint Model Supply Apollo 11 colored 3 inch souvenir patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Flint Model Supply
Distribution: Mail order
Dimensions: 3⅛" / 79mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge with tail.
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Minimal
Notes: This "8 color" version of the Flint Model Supply 3" Apollo 11 patch was actually produced by applying permanent markers by hand to the white threads of the regular version on the Earth (blue), date (red & blue) and olive leaves (green).
Patch id:

Flint Model Supply 3" souvenir patch [formerly AS11UNK3i3]

Worn by crew? No. Flint Model Supply Apollo 11 3 inch souvenir patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Flint Model Supply
Distribution: Mail order
Dimensions: 3⅛" / 79mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge with tail.
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Minimal
Notes: This small souvenir version of the mission patch produced by Flint Model Supply is noteworthy for including the date and time of the landing. Note that it is more usually seen in the "8 color" version detailed on the left.
Patch id:

Lion Brothers / "Put-Ons" 3" souvenir patch [AS11UNK3i4]

Worn by crew? No. Lion Brothers or Put-Ons 3 inch souvenir Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Lion Brothers
Distribution: Sold as "Put-Ons" Official Emblems
Dimensions: 2¾" / 70mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge without tail (selvedged).
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Unknown
Notes: This small souvenir version of the mission patch is noteworthy for its use of gold thread and for its selvedged border, marking it out as a more expensive product than most 3" versions.
In fact it has recently been discovered that this patch was manufactured by Lion Brothers and marketed as "Put-Ons" Official Emblems.
Patch id:

Cape Kennedy Medals 3" patch

Worn by crew? No. Cape Kennedy Medals 3 inch Apollo 11 patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Cape Kennedy Medals.
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: Approx 3⅛" (80mm)
Type: Fully embroidered. Cut edge, stitched border
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: Unknown.
Notes: Previously noted as [AS11UNK3i5] this is the Cape Kennedy Medals 3" patch.
The design is very close to that of the 3" Lion Brothers speciality patches but the execution, with fully embroidered background and cut edge, is quite different.
Note that the version shown here is embroidered on white twill, as visible around the extreme edges, but it is sometimes seen on blue twill.
Patch id:

3" souvenir patch [AS11UNK3i2]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 3 inch souvenir patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3⅛" / 79mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge with tail.
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Minimal
Notes: This small souvenir version of the mission patch has a low color count and extremely crude execution of the artwork, implying a patch made as cheaply as possible.
Patch id:

3" souvenir patch [AS11UNK3i6]

Worn by crew? No. Unknown manufacturer 3 inch Apollo 11 patch 6
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown.
Dimensions: Approx 3⅛" (79mm)
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge without tail (selvedged).
Scarcity: Scarce.
Value: Unknown.
Notes: This small souvenir version of the mission patch is quite nicely executed for such a small patch. The colors and cloud patterns on the Earth are even reminiscent of the Crew Patch.
Note that a variant exists which appears to be executed on a nylon cloth backing rather than twill.
Patch id:

First Lunar Landing 3" souvenir patch [AS11FLLUNK3i1]

Worn by crew? No. Apolo 11 First Lunar Landing 3 inch souvenir patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3" / 76mm
Type: Partially embroidered on black twill. Merrowed edge with tail.
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Minimal
Notes: This is a small souvenir version of the First Manned Lunar Landing patch.
Patch id:

Apollo 11 LEM 5 3" souvenir patch [AS11LEM5UNK3i1]

Worn by crew? No. Apollo 11 LEM 5 3 inch souvenir patch
Flown? No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Dimensions: 3" / 76mm
Type: Partially embroidered on white twill. Merrowed edge without tail (selvedged).
Scarcity: Unknown
Value: Minimal
Notes: This is a commonly seen small souvenir Apollo 11 patch.

[1] Crew Patch sale examples:
    eBay item no. 150172053744 October 22, 2007 sold at $440.51.
    eBay item no. 250201147512 January 26, 2008 sold at $2520.00. (inc fees)
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1210554111 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold May 11, 2008 for $502.
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1219619023 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Aug 24, 2008 for $575.
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1220669251 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Sep 5, 2008 for $515.
    Astro-Auction: item no. 11226286073 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Nov 9, 2008 for $495.
    eBay item no. 400014311501 Dec 19 2008 sold at $475.
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1237166450 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Mar 15, 2009 for $710.
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1248652617 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Jul 26, 2009 for $425.
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1252883193 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Sep 13, 2009 for $530.
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1258836157 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Nov 21, 2009 for $710.
    eBay item no. 300401092328 Mar 4, 2010 sold at $565.55.
    eBay item no. 170474446787 Apr 22, 2010 sold at $565 (ex-Astro-Auction, signed by Collins on reverse).
    eBay item no. 220615311131 Jun 8, 2010 sold at $616.66
    eBay item no. 130398987583 Jun 13, 2010 sold at $299
    Astro-Auction: item no. 1277844604 (from Mike Collins, signed on the reverse), sold Jun 29, 2010 for $495.
    Heritage Space Auction lot no. 40418 Apr 18, 2013 sold at $717 [Ex-Collins]
    eBay item no. 140963636732 May 1, 2013 sold at $1,038.75 (signed by Collins on reverse)
    eBay item no. 221235676084 Jun 6, 2013 sold at $650 (signed by Collins on reverse)
    Regency/Superior Space Auction lot no. 180 Oct 3, 2013 sold at $773.50 (inc fees)
     Heritage auction lot 40221 Nov 3 2013 sold at $2125 (signed by Collins on reverse)
    eBay item no. 261402664465 Feb 18, 2014 sold at $9.99 [sale then cancelled]
    Heritage Space Auction lot 40119 May 14 2014 sold at $625 (signed by Collins on reverse)
    RR Auction lot 351 Apr 22, 2014 sold at $437.33
    eBay item no. 221450268038 Jun 1, 2014 sold at $1000
    eBay item no. 261503800792 Jun 20, 2014 sold at $350
    eBay item no. 281375818989 Jul 3, 2014 sold at $995
    eBay item no. 281581485239 Jan 29, 2015 sold at $850 [best offer] (ex-Novaspace Collins signed)
    Astronaut Central sold their last examples from Mike Collins Jan 2015 at $695
    Lunar Legacies auction lot no. 282 Mar 28, 2015 UNSOLD
    eBay item no. 281585656696 Mar 31, 2015 sold at $950 [buy-it-now] (signed by Collins)
    eBay item no. 201322789298 May 2, 2015 sold at $750 [buy-it-now] (signed by Collins)
    RRAuction Lot 9322 Oct 23, 2015 at $530.43
    Lunar Legacies Auction lot no. 260 Nov 14, 2015 sold at $476
    eBay item no. 322335843128 Nov 28, 2016 sold at $544 (with other rare patches)
    eBay item no. 252763383957 Feb 10, 2017 sold at $750 [buy-it-now] (signed by Collins)
    eBay item no. 152548831157 May 21, 2017 sold at $330
    eBay item no. 382134121349 Jun 26, 2017 sold at $324
    eBay item no. 252992570922 Jul 12, 2017 sold at $750 [buy-it-now] (signed by Collins)
    eBay item no. 263815072971 Jul 15, 2018 sold at $769 [buy-it-now] (signed by Collins)
    Heritage Space Auction lot 52230 Nov 1, 2018, sold at $3,000 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 52258 Nov 1, 2018, sold at $4,000 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 52332 Nov 1, 2018, sold at $3,750 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 52333 Nov 1, 2018, sold at $3,750 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 52334 Nov 1, 2018, sold at $4,500 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 52335 Nov 1, 2018, sold at $4,750 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 52755 Nov 2, 2018, sold at $7,500 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50205 May 9, 2019, sold at $2,750 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50206 May 9, 2019, sold at $3,500 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50207 May 9, 2019, sold at $2,750 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50433 May 9, 2019, sold at $4,531.25 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50434 May 9, 2019, sold at $2,500 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50435 May 9, 2019, sold at $2,812.50 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 51063 May 10, 2019, sold at $1,437.50 ex-Aldrin, with other patches
    eBay item no. 264320031364 Jun 2, 2019 sold at $695 (with recovery patch)
    RRAuction Lot 8289 Jun 20, 2019 sold at $1,256.85 (signed by Collins)
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50100 Jul 16, 2019, sold at $3,875 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50070 Nov 14, 2019, sold at $1,250 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50046 Nov 14, 2019, from Armstrong collection mounted with FLOWN Robbins medallion
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50058 Nov 14, 2019, from Armstrong collection mounted with FLOWN Robbins medallion
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50310 Nov 14, 2019, sold at $450
    RR Auction lot 8228 Apr 16, 2020 sold at $722.50
    eBay item no. 293463191467 Feb 20, 2020 sold at $800 (offer accepted)
    eBay item no. 264646011499 Feb 24, 2020 sold at $39.99 (soiled)
    eBay item no. 254522806044 Feb 25, 2020 sold at $200 buy-it-now (soiled)
    American Space Museum & Space Walk of Fame auction lot 128 Apr 10, 2021 sold at $510
    Heritage Auction lot 50335 Nov 12, 2021 sold at $7,500 (Armstrong collection)
    eBay item no. 284801615038 May 6, 2022 sold at <$711.95 [unknown offer accepted]
    Lunar Legacies auction lot no. 496 May 21, 2022, sold at $850
    Heritage Auction lot 50046 Jun 2, 2022 sold at $4,250 (Signed by Collins)

[3] Sales of 'Green moon' Apollo 11 patches:
    2011: 25 examples sold at between $4 and $71
    2012: 19 examples sold at between $7 and $30
    2013: 9 examples sold at between $10 and $23
    2014: 11 examples sold at between $11 and $44
    2015: 14 examples sold at between $8 and $35
    2016: 3 examples sold at between $10 and $27
    2017: 5 examples sold at between $3 and $67.80
    eBay item no. 281523173899 Apr 1, 2018 sold at $19.95
    eBay item no. 142817463394 Jun 24, 2018 sold at $29.75 [framed]
    eBay item no. 263764171963 Jun 25, 2018 sold at $19.95
    eBay item no. 263764171963 Jun 27, 2018 sold at $19.95
    eBay item no. 132723373501 Jul 29, 2018 sold at $8
    eBay item no. 223146840689 Sep 22, 2018 sold at $15
    eBay item no. 263928008361 Oct 1, 2018 sold at $19.95
    eBay item no. 401609620369 Oct 6, 2018 sold at $15.10
    eBay item no. 263928008361 Oct 9, 2018 sold at $53.00
    eBay item no. 281523173899 Nov 5, 2018 sold at $24.95
    eBay item no. 264032354718 Nov 22, 2018 sold at $19.95
    eBay item no. 163468812821 Jan 5, 2019 sold at $35
    eBay item no. 283331291022 Jan 7, 2019 sold at $5.70 (with other patches)
    Lunar Legacies lot no. 194 Feb 2, 2019 sold at $170.80
    eBay item no. 153409747252 Mar 22, 2019 sold at $29.99
    eBay item no. 202704023088 Jun 16, 2019 sold at $25
    eBay item no. 254258312942 Jun 16, 2019 sold at $22.95
    eBay item no. 283502835627 Jun 19, 2019 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 283502835627 Jun 23, 2019 sold at $44.95
    eBay item no. 372692256353 Jun 23, 2019 sold at $6
    eBay item no. 372326825200 Jul 9, 2019 sold at $1,395.15
    eBay item no. 254321719909 Aug 5, 2019 sold at $22.95
    eBay item no. 254322639260 Aug 6, 2019 sold at $32.95
    eBay item no. 254322639260 Aug 7, 2019 sold at $32.95
    eBay item no. 264424611102 Aug 9, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 362737895724 Sep 1, 2019 sold at $17.70
    eBay item no. 264428942503 Sep 5, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 254564066563 Apr 12, 2020 sold at $12.99
    eBay item no. 363042451833 Jul 14, 2020 sold at $9.99
    eBay item no. 264887187976 Oct 5, 2020 sold at $29.99
    eBay item no. 283502835627 May 9, 2021 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 373511567289 Jun 19, 2021 sold at $39.99
    eBay item no. 133840346092 Aug 5, 2021 sold at $9.99
    eBay item no. 283502835627 Feb 2, 2022 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 283502835627 Apr 7, 2022 sold at $44.95

[4] Sales of Voyager Emblem Apollo 11 patches:
    eBay item no. 220615315306 Jun 8, 2010 sold at $76
    eBay item no. 130450196288 Nov 7, 2010 sold at $104.49
    eBay item no. 390325997560 Jun 24, 2011 sold at $28.50 [68 examples sold of 100 offered]
    eBay item no. 370536893399 Sep 21, 2011 sold at $42.50 [5 examples sold of 50 offered]
    eBay item no. 220919239890 Dec 24, 2011 sold at $49.99
    Lunar Legacies lot no. 196 Feb 25, 2012 sold at $34.50
    eBay item no. 390402012300 Mar 28, 2012 sold at $21 [US-only sale]
    eBay item no. 180918774792 Jul 4, 2012 sold at $46.45
    eBay item no. 140791506881 Jul 15, 2012 sold at $47
    eBay item no. 140842560029 Sep 9, 2012 sold at $61.86
    eBay item no. 261149869773 Jan 8, 2013 sold at $41.01 with other patches
    eBay item no. 261785090241 Mar 12, 2015 sold at $49.95
    eBay item no. 261792684339 Mar 27, 2015 sold at $49.95
    eBay item no. 251895541826 Apr 13, 2015 sold at $49.95
    eBay item no. 262001879823 Aug 29, 2015 sold at $49.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jun 4, 2016 sold at $27.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 19, 2016 sold at $34.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Dec 17, 2016 sold at $31.45 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 222385970919 Jan 29, 2017 sold at $30.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 2, 2017 sold at $33.45
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 4, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jun 23, 2017 sold at $30.11
    Lunar Legacies Space Auction lot 164 Jul 15, 2017 sold at $190.40
    eBay item no. 292126277112 Aug 5, 2017 sold at $38.25
    eBay item no. 282616438095 Aug 25, 2017 sold at $25.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Sep 29, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Oct 17, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Nov 7, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Nov 8, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Dec 6, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Dec 12, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Dec 21, 2017 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jan 9, 2018 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jan 14, 2018 sold at $30.11
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 20, 2018 sold at $27.95
    eBay item no. 281523173899 Feb 22, 2018 sold at $19.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 25, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 11, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 23, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 26, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Apr 21, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 391962858786 May 8, 2018 sold at $21.99
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 20, 2018 sold at $27.95
    eBay item no. 221420187383 Jul 28, 2018 sold at $28.75
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Aug 7, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Sep 8, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Sep 22, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Oct 15, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Oct 28, 2018 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Nov 8, 2018 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Nov 14, 2018 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Nov 18, 2018 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Nov 19, 2018 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Dec 4, 2018 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jan 1, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jan 5, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jan 9, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jan 12, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 3, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 4, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 5, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 16, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Feb 22, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 7, 2019 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 10, 2019 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 13, 2019 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 23, 2019 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Mar 27, 2019 sold at $30.00
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Apr 5, 2019 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Apr 27, 2019 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 May 14, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 May 16, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 May 17, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 May 23, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 May 29, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jun 12, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jun 16, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jun 17, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jun 19, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jun 28, 2019 sold at $36.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 2, 2019 sold at $36.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 3, 2019 sold at $36.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 4, 2019 sold at $36.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 13, 2019 sold at $33.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 21, 2019 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 22, 2019 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 23, 2019 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 25, 2019 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 281758981015 Jul 28, 2019 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 254329372569 Sep 8, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 254329372569 Sep 12, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 254358232870 Oct 12, 2019 sold at $34.95
    Lunar Legacies auction lot 130 Feb 15, 2020 sold at $24.40
    eBay item no. 264867975219 Oct 11, 2020 sold at $34.95

[5] Sales of [AS11UNK1] 'Grumman' Apollo 11 patches:
    2010: 5 examples sold at between $15 and $50
    2011: 7 examples sold at between $15 and $36
    2012: 23 examples sold at between $10 and $99
    2013: 14 examples sold at between $9 and $41
    2014: 15 examples sold at between $9 and $100
    2015: 23 examples sold at between $10 and $27
    2016: 10 examples sold at between $10 and $278
    2017: 20 examples sold at between $22 and $44.95
    2018: 14 examples sold at between $22 and $76
    eBay item no. 153418395869 Mar 22, 2019 sold at $28.99
    eBay item no. 202636088761 Apr 2, 2019 sold at $28.50 (per patch, 2 sold together)
    eBay item no. 202636033417 Apr 2, 2019 sold at $23 (per patch, 4 sold together)
    eBay item no. 123718798988 Apr 8, 2019 sold at $15.50
    eBay item no. 254185895193 May 1, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 254185895193 May 30, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 254185895193 Jun 6, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 202704022707 Jun 10, 2019 sold at $15
    eBay item no. 264353482994 Jun 18, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 264353482994 Jul 2, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 202724227772 Jul 7, 2019 sold at $49.99
    eBay item no. 264353482994 Jul 10, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 254291291230 Jul 23, 2019 sold at $23.95
    eBay item no. 153571945257 Jul 25, 2019 sold at $26.99
    eBay item no. 123844987319 Jul 28, 2019 sold at $35.99
    eBay item no. 323870593040 Aug 4, 2019 sold at $52
    eBay item no. 254320519080 Aug 7, 2019 sold at $29.95
    eBay item no. 333292561819 Aug 9, 2019 sold at $14.99
    eBay item no. 202761015407 Aug 26, 2019 sold at $19.99
    eBay item no. 372796316497 Oct 7, 2019 sold at $27.99
    eBay item no. 372796316497 Oct 8, 2019 sold at $24.00
    eBay item no. 264424610073 Oct 11, 2019 sold at $34.95
    eBay item no. 372820186427 Oct 29, 2019 sold at $27.99
    eBay item no. 283497498490 Nov 15, 2019 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 283497498490 Dec 12, 2019 sold at $37.95
    eBay item no. 254451013183 Dec 18, 2019 sold at $18.49
    eBay item no. 283497498490 Feb 8, 2020 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 124153658604 Apr 14, 2020 sold at $10
    eBay item no. 303535878860 May 3, 2020 sold at $20.05
    eBay item no. 283497498490 Sep 18, 2020 sold at $39.95
    eBay item no. 154244726705 Dec 15, 2020 sold at $15
    eBay item no. 283497498490 May 10, 2020 sold at $49.95
    eBay item no. 283497498490 Jul 26, 2020 sold at $47.95
    eBay item no. 194256926350 Aug 5, 2020 sold at $9.99
    eBay item no. 283497498490 Jan 18, 2022 sold at $34.95

[6] Sales of Universal Commemorative Apollo 11 patches:
    eBay item no. 130433285074 Sep 26, 2010 sold at $77.98 [AS11UC2]
    eBay item no. 140472494661 Nov 7, 2010 sold at $18.50 [AS11UC2]
    eBay item no. 130457612824 Nov 28, 2010 sold at $16.05 [AS11UC2]
    eBay item no. 140496643790 Jan 9, 2011 sold at $17.50 [AS11UC3]
    eBay item no. 250754146376 Jan 15, 2011 sold at $29.88 [AS11UC1]
    eBay item no. 200571989457 Feb 8, 2011 sold at $46 [AS11UC1]
    eBay item no. 110672155726 Apr 14, 2011 sold at $28.95 [AS11UC1]
    eBay item no. 360359513499 Apr 18, 2011 sold at $22.09 [AS11UC2]
    eBay item no. 180672568606 May 29, 2011 sold at $66 (on presentation card)
    eBay item no. 220835710370 Aug 20, 2011 sold at $20 [AS11UC2]
    eBay item no. 140605242336 Sep 18, 2011 sold at $36
    eBay item no. 130608070315 Dec 4, 2011 sold at $19.05 [AS11UC1]
    eBay item no. 180782777028 Dec 31, 2011 sold at $34.99 [in orignal envelope]
    Lunar Legacies lot no. 178 Feb 25, 2012 sold at $51.75
    eBay item no. 130671243522 Apr 1, 2012 sold at $49.85
    eBay item no. 130692035744 sold May 13, 2012 at $46.00
    eBay item no. 271050306678 sold Sep 9, 2012 at $58.75
    eBay item no. 130861388734 sold Mar 10, 2013 at $32.75
    eBay item no. 121087459516 sold Apr 7, 2013 at $25
    eBay item no. 121095900697 sold Apr 20, 2013 at $30
    eBay item no. 140964367390 sold May 5, 2013 at $14.33
    eBay item no. 121117767864 sold Jun 1, 2013 at $29.50 [AS11UC3]
    eBay item no. 400516479907 sold Jul 30, 2013 at $74.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 360730831302 sold Dec 5, 2013 at <$74.95 [best offer]
    eBay item no. 281490659555 sold Nov 10, 2014 at $28.91
    eBay item no. 221773821892 sold May 20, 2015 at $25.99
    eBay item no. 391171517866 sold Jun 18, 2015 at $29.99
    eBay item no. 291511847550 sold Jul 10, 2015 at $29.95 [in original envelope]
    eBay item no. 361350274332 sold Sep 20, 2015 at $40.00
    eBay item no. 221903745713 sold Oct 3, 2015 at $36.95
    eBay item no. 252159006026 sold Nov 12, 2015 at $31.64
    Lunar Legacies Auction lot no. 231 Nov 14, 2015 sold at $71.40 [with presentation envelope]
    eBay item no. 301858859054 sold Feb 3, 2106 at $19.27
    eBay item no. 182033778017 sold Feb 23, 2106 at $10 [buy-it-now]
    RR Auction lot 6112 Apr 21, 2016 sold at $643.13 (unflown, ex-Guenter Wendt, presented by crew)
    eBay item no. 222508010599 sold May 27, 2017 at $27.90 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 222544205846 sold Jul 1, 2017 at $27.90
    eBay item no. 232498791010 sold Sep 30, 2017 at $19.50
    eBay item no. 362201300167 sold Jan 8, 2018 at $103.51 [AS11UC3]
    eBay item no. 391978907710 sold Feb 13, 2018 at $29.99
    eBay item no. 202234256981 sold Feb 26, 2018 at $18.50
    eBay item no. 372369821085 sold Jul 20, 2018 at $29.99
    Lunar Legacies Space Auction lot 306 Oct 13, 2018 sold at $24.40
    eBay item no. 401613695054 sold Oct 8, 2018 at $9.99
    eBay item no. 253973493883 sold Nov 16, 2018 at $31.95
    eBay item no. 223235565685 sold Nov 27, 2018 at $59.90
    eBay item no. 253973493883 sold Dec 9, 2018 at $31.95
    Lunar Legacies lot no. 210 Feb 2, 2019 sold at $24.40
    eBay item no. 223443729858 sold Mar 24, 2019 at $32.90
    eBay item no. 254195764397 Apr 25, 2019 sold at $31.95
    eBay item no. 283472611259 May 6, 2019 sold with Apollo Launch Team patch
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50127 Jun 5, 2020 sold at $1,125 from Armstrong collection
    eBay item no. 363097728656 sold Sep 6, 2020 at $42.50 [AS11UC3]
    eBay item no. 373271553008 sold Oct 21, 2020 at $29.99
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50366 Nov 21, 2020 sold at $1,000 from Armstrong collection
    Heritage Space Auction lot 50019 May 22, 2021 sold at $137,500 from Christopher Kraft collection [Surface flown, with flown US flag]
    Heritage Auction lot 50340 Nov 12, 2021 sold at $937.50 (Armstrong collection)
    eBay item no. 403611079441 sold Apr 21, 2022 at $40.00 [buy-it-now]
    Lunar Legacies Space Auction Lot 390 Sep 23, 2023 sold at $24.40

[7] Sales of Lion Brothers Apollo 11 orange border patches:
    eBay item no. 110669773115 Apr 9, 2011 sold at $158.19
    Lunar Legacies Space Auction Lot 285A May 21, 2011 sold at $218.50
    eBay item no. 170688522689 Sep 4, 2011 sold at $188.05
    eBay item no. 400253436062 Nov 8, 2011 sold at $47.13
    eBay item no. 170736134974 Dec 4, 2011 sold at $88.76
    eBay item no. 180785271410 Jan 1, 2012 sold at $66.01
    eBay item no. 170874906913 Jul 15, 2012 sold at $64.75
    eBay item no. 150973072926 Jan 5, 2013 sold at $53.15
    eBay item no. 221173194242 Jan 12, 2013 sold at $53.52
    eBay item no. 390525205396 Jan 17, 2013 sold at $56.11
    eBay item no. 230926218389 Feb 15, 2013 sold at $52.77
    eBay item no. 370781473956 Mar 26, 2013 sold at $21.57
    eBay item no. 390570975053 Apr 14, 2013 sold at $17.05
    eBay item no. 171116961549 Sep 7, 2013 sold at $86
    eBay item no. 171132411114 Sep 29, 2013 sold at $100
    eBay item no. 190958452023 Nov 6, 2013 sold at (offer < $99.99)
    eBay item no. 131075629716 Dec 28, 2013 sold at $67.95 (with many other patches)
    eBay item no. 360826699560 Jan 4, 2014 sold at $95.00
    eBay item no. 400642275780 Mar 13, 2014 sold at $95
    eBay item no. 360901186311 Apr 8, 2014 sold at [unknown best offer accepted]
    eBay item no. 171307573796 Apr 21, 2014 sold at $9.98 [buy-it-now with other LB patches]
    eBay item no. 261468785239 May 17, 2014 sold at $89 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 231237962968 May 24, 2014 sold at $54.30 [with Apollo 12 patch in folder]
    eBay item no. 221551215315 Sep 18, 2014 sold at $79.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 231397574300 Nov 21, 2014 sold at $30.00
    eBay item no. 181617431543 Dec 21, 2014 sold at $66.99
    eBay item no. 391041147142 Feb 4, 2015 sold in lot of patches
    eBay item no. 311286173987 Feb 15, 2015 sold at $75
    eBay item no. 311295032479 Feb 15, 2015 sold at $21.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 311296953415 Feb 18, 2015 sold at $69
    eBay item no. 281602671914 Feb 22, 2015 sold at $51.51
    eBay item no. 311295032509 Feb 22, 2015 sold at $48.60 [with Apollo 12 patch in folder]
    eBay item no. 311306956845 Mar 8, 2015 sold at $43.10 [with Apollo 12 patch in folder]
    eBay item no. 171721497852 Mar 22, 2015 sold at $65
    eBay item no. 311376075485 Jun 7, 2015 sold at $62.95
    eBay item no. 291575442800 Oct 4, 2015 sold at $42.77 [With Apollo 12 patch in folder]
    eBay item no. 231729901272 Oct 30, 2015 sold at $64.00
    eBay item no. 262212006514 Jan 15, 2016 sold at $72.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. ? Jun 2, 2016 sold at $65 [With Apollo 12 patch in folder]
    eBay item no. 262440892470 Jun 15, 2016 sold at $72.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 122186229431 Oct 17, 2016 sold at $14.99 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 262819394241 Jan 29, 2017 sold at $52.00 [with other patches]
    eBay item no. 262818880428 Feb 21, 2017 sold at $69.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 172551810436 Mar 5, 2017 sold at $49.40
    eBay item no. 391758568028 Apr 24, 2017 sold at $20.10 (with Apollo 12 patch)
    eBay item no. 252942352646 May 31, 2017 sold at $69.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 263043183430 Jun 24, 2017 sold at $39.60 (with Apollo 12 patch)
    eBay item no. 182722796190 Aug 19, 2017 sold at $69.99 (with Apollo 12 patch)
    RRAuction Lot 8332 Oct 19, 2017 sold at $437.33 (reportedly gift from Armstrong)
    eBay item no. 222229621333 Nov 12, 2017 sold at $61.95
    eBay item no. 253309030138 Dec 31, 2017 sold at $49.95
    eBay item no. 253594261286 May 2018 sold at $49.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 163049464795 May 15, 2018 sold at $9.95
    eBay item no. 263735307243 Jun 4, 2018 sold at $62
    eBay item no. 312221941830 Aug 29, 2018 sold at $80
    eBay item no. 292750159107 Oct 1, 2018 sold at $89 [VARIANT]
    eBay item no. 113285546594 Oct 9, 2018 sold at $53
    eBay item no. 264081455398 Dec 27, 2018 sold at $24.95 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 303037801477 Jan 29, 2019 sold at $26
    eBay item no. 254116315991 Mar 1, 2019 sold at $39
    eBay item no. 143017590331 Mar 3, 2019 sold at $115 [VARIANT]
    eBay item no. 254247166482 Jun 16, 2019 sold at $55
    eBay item no. 273947291160 Aug 4, 2019 sold at $142.50
    eBay item no. 264420009964 Aug 5, 2019 sold at $79
    eBay item no. 254330052549 Aug 18, 2019 sold at $175 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 264650639866 Mar 11, 2020 sold at $49.50
    eBay item no. 184443151680 Sep 11, 2020 sold at $50- [unknown offer]
    eBay item no. 373554011359 Apr 27, 2021 sold at $113.50
    eBay item no. 154305439921 Jan 24, 2020 sold at $7
    eBay item no. 373899233865 Jan 30, 2022 sold at $98
    eBay item no. 225278927005 Jul 15, 2023 sold at $139.95

[8] Sales of Lion Brothers Apollo 11 mission speciality patches:
Detailed recored no longer acquired.

[9] Sales of Lion Brothers Apollo 11 3½" patches:
    eBay item no. 176514192794 Aug 9, 2024 48 Masonic symbol variants sold at $25 each [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 176517435226 Aug 11, 2024 Masonic symbol variant sold at $45 [buy-it-now] (49th example from same seller)
    eBay item no. 176519307198 Aug 11, 2024 Masonic symbol variant sold at $45 [buy-it-now] (50th example from same seller)
    eBay item no. 176519558556 Aug 18, 2024 Masonic symbol variant sold at $88 (51st example from same seller)
    eBay item no. 176544438353 Aug 26, 2024 Masonic symbol variant sold at $120 [buy-it-now] (one of buyers at $25 reselling)
    eBay item no. 176541293230 Aug 31, 2024 Masonic symbol variant sold at $109.49 (52nd example from same seller)
    eBay item no. 235723153271 Aug 26, 2024 Masonic symbol variant sold at $99.99 [buy-it-now] (one of buyers at $25 reselling)
    eBay item no. 176555410688 Sep 9, 2024 Masonic symbol variant sold at $202.50 (53rd example from same seller)

[10] Sales of [AS11UNK10] patches:
    eBay item no. 110981255705 Dec 2, 2012 sold at $20.98 (with another patch)

[11] Sales of [AS11UNK12] patches:
    Space Walk Hall of Fame Charity Auction lot no. 74 Apr 2, 2016 sold at $510

[12] Sales of First Lunar Landing of Mankind [AS11FLL1] patches:
    eBay item no. 350585000567 Aug 8, 2012 sold at $27 [no red text]
    eBay item no. 150875177625 Aug 16, 2012 sold at $9.57 [no red text]

[13] Sales of Lion Brothers Apollo 11 Commemorative [ex AS11UNK7] patches:
    eBay item no. 360415922811 Dec 11, 2011 sold at $582.52
    eBay item no. 390385146128 Feb 2, 2012 sold at $150 [fair condition]
    eBay item no. 110960654231 Oct 7, 2012 sold at $360.55
    eBay item no. 140893655607 Dec 9, 2012 sold at $199
    eBay item no. 400581402247 Dec 1, 2013 sold at <$525 [best offer]
    eBay item no. 301245562352 Jul 27, 2014 sold at $489.27 [with Apollo 12 LB patch]
    eBay item no. 151438564733 Oct 17, 2014 sold at $504
    eBay item no. 192092830103 Feb 10, 2017 sold at $265
    eBay item no. 401282374792 Feb 26, 2017 sold at $35 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 263010026033 May 29, 2017 sold at $89 [buy-it-now]
    eBay item no. 392088825837 Jul 29, 2018 sold at $275.48
    eBay item no. 401722836365 Mar 9, 2019 sold at $195.15
    eBay item no. 192866105669 Mar 28, 2019 sold at $225
    eBay item no. 114439463244 Oct 6, 2020 sold at $203.50

[14] Sales of Space Spinoff Ltd patches:
    eBay item no. 141559750577 Feb 6, 2015 sold at $86.99
    eBay item no. 303232538417 Jul 27, 2019 sold at $126.75

[15] Sales of Lion Brothers Apollo 11 black twill background patches:
    eBay item no. 182674645185 Jul 23, 2017 sold at $92

[16] Sales of Apollo 11 On the Moon patches:
    eBay item no. 293457564142 Feb 9, 2020 sold at $300
    eBay item no. 362922740565 Feb 24, 2020 sold at $169
    eBay item no. 203604145583 Sep 25, 2021 sold at $308

[17] Sales of Apollo XI commemorative [AS11AXI] patches:
    eBay item no. 373728651723 May 9, 2021 sold at $34.99

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